We offer many other surgeries besides spaying/neutering- growth removals, eye enucleations, leg amputations, cherry eye, entropion and a variety of other surgeries. We do not tend to offer emergency surgeries as our vets are not on staff daily but you are always welcome to call to see if we have Veterinarians on staff that day to do any type of emergency surgery such as a pyometra or exploratory.
If you are looking to make a non emergent surgery appointmen the first step is to set up an appointment through our wellness clinic to be able to receive a quote and surgery details.
If you need a specific surgery done and uncertain if we can help, please call the office at 845-392-4849 to see if we can help!
We offer sedated grooming to cats and dogs who are unable to be handled awake for grooming. This service is offered after the pet has come to our clinic for an exam and pre sedation bloodwork if over 4 years old. This service is NOT meant for a cat or dog who can undergo a normal grooming salon as your pet should not be put under anestesia for unneccasary reasons.
Sedated groomings range from $120- $300 depending on size of cat or dog, hair type, length and matting.